tricks to make meeting too good

From Ghosts To Guests: Tricks To Make Meetings Too Good To Miss

Sep 11, 2024

You’ve been there, right? You’ve set up a meeting, prepped like crazy, and blocked out time on your calendar. Then, crickets. Your prospect vanishes into thin air. No call, no email, just a big fat no-show.

It’s frustrating and a total waste of time, but more importantly, it’s hurting your bottom line!

So, if you’re trying to make money online and want to avoid these no-shows like the plague, buckle up. I’m about to show you how to make people show up—like, every single time.

Why No-Shows Are a Business Killer: Understanding the Impact

Why No-Shows Are a Business Killer

Before we dig any deeper, let’s first talk about why no-shows are such a big deal. Think of each no-show as money flying out the window.

Whether you’re a consultant, a coach, or running any kind of online service, every no-show is time and money you can’t get back.

It's like prepping a five-star meal, and your guest just ghosted you.

You spent time and resources setting up that meeting, and when someone doesn’t show up, it disrupts your workflow, messes up your schedule, and worst of all, affects your revenue.

And let's be real—nobody likes that. Ever!

Make 'Em Pay: The Power of a Pre-Call Deposit

Make 'Em Pay

Now, here's a juicy little secret that not many talk about: charging a small fee upfront can do wonders for your attendance rate.

It’s simple—when people put money down, they’re more likely to show up.

Think of it as a “skin in the game” tactic. Even if it’s just $10, this small commitment makes a big difference.

Listen, if someone isn’t willing to put down a tiny deposit, chances are they weren’t that serious in the first place.

You want to work with people who value your time, right?

A small pre-call deposit filters out the time wasters and ensures that the folks who book time with you are genuinely interested.

It’s like a cover charge at a nightclub—it keeps out the riff-raff.

Setting up a deposit system is easier than you think. You can use tools like SureMeet (a lifesaver, by the way) to automate the process.

Just integrate it with your payment system, set the deposit amount, and let the magic happen. It’s a one-time setup that pays off in the long run.

Set Clear Expectations

Set Clear Expectations

Imagine inviting someone to a party without giving them the address. Odds are, they’re not showing up.

It’s the same with meetings. You need to be crystal-clear about the details.

In this case, we advise you to consider creating a no-show policy that actually works. This isn’t just about slapping a “no refund” policy on your website and calling it a day.

Your no-shows policy should be firm yet fair, making it clear that your time is valuable and you expect clients to respect that.

State upfront that if they don’t show or cancel within a certain timeframe, their deposit is non-refundable. It sounds harsh, but trust me, it works.

Also, you need to communicate clearly. Don’t assume your clients know the drill.

Spell everything out—send a confirmation email with all the details they need, and follow up with a reminder the day before.

And maybe even send a quick text a few hours before the meeting.

Over-communication is better than under-communication.

Use Technology To Reduce No-Shows

Use Technology

Automation is your best friend when it comes to reducing no-shows. You don’t have time to chase after people, and you shouldn’t have to.

Let technology do the heavy lifting for you:

Use tools that automatically send reminders via email or SMS. Set them up to go out 24 hours before the meeting and another reminder an hour before.

This way, even if your prospect forgets, they’ll get that little nudge to remember.

Besides, consider integrating a user-friendly booking system that syncs directly with your calendar. This reduces the back-and-forth and makes scheduling a breeze.

Plus, with systems like SureMeet, you're able to tell who’s serious about showing up right from the start.

Create A No-Show Contingency Plan

Create A No-Show Contingency Plan

Okay, so let’s say despite all your best efforts, someone still doesn’t show. Don’t freak out. Have a contingency plan in place.

To start with, you'll need to decide how to follow up without being annoying to your client.

If a client doesn’t show up, follow up with a friendly, non-pushy email.

Something like:

“Hey, we missed you today! I’d love to reschedule if you’re still interested.”

Keep it light and open-ended.

If they’re serious, they’ll reply. If not, well, you’ve just dodged a bullet.

Also, use your booking tool to offer easy rescheduling options. Make it so simple that all they have to do is click a button to pick a new time.

The easier you make it, the more likely they are to rebook.

Build A Reputation for Reliability

Build A Reputation

Lastly, and this is a big one—you'll need to build a reputation for being reliable and consistent.

People like to work with those they can trust, and nothing screams “trustworthy” like someone who’s always prepared and on time.

Consistent communication is your secret weapon to boosting trust! That is, keep your clients in the loop.

Regular updates, confirmations, and check-ins not only reduce no-shows but also boost your credibility.

People will know that you’re serious about your business, and in turn, they’ll take you more seriously.

Do you have some happy clients? If yes, be sure to showcase their testimonials!

When people see that others have had great experiences with you, they’ll be more likely to show up and engage fully.


That's it for our ultimate guide to reducing no-shows and boosting attendance. Start implementing these tips right away, and watch as your meeting attendance improves and your business thrives.

Remember, having a tool like SureMeet can make this whole process a breeze, so don’t hesitate to try it out today. Your time is valuable, so make sure your prospects see it that way too!

Ready to see fewer no-shows and boost your business? Try out SureMeet free today and discover how easy it is to keep your calendar full and your prospects committed. Don’t wait—start your trial now!