How to Make Your Clients Feel Valued Before a Meeting: 7 Top Tips

Oct 21, 2024

Building strong relationships with your prospects should start long before you ever meet screen-to-screen. Creating a sense of value from the very start helps set the tone for how clients perceive your business, builds trust, and encourages a deeper level of engagement.

And ultimately, this ensures fewer no-shows and guarantees your meetings are more productive!

Think of it beyond just scheduling a meeting and more about showing that you genuinely care about their needs and are ready to deliver value. In this article, we'll walk through several ways you can make clients feel valued before the meeting even begins.

#1. Personalize Your Pre-Meeting Communication

Pre-Meeting Communication

When it comes to qualifying leads building rapport, treat every prospect differently instead of assuming they’re all the same.

A great way to do so is through personalizing your communication with them. This shows them that you’ve taken the time to learn about them and their business, rather than sending out a generic message.

Even a small touch, like using their first name, referencing their industry, or mentioning a detail from a previous conversation, can go a long way.

Here’s the thing:

No one wants to feel like just another name on a long list of prospects. People appreciate when you show that you’ve done your homework.

For example, if you're reaching out to a potential client in the tech sector, consider mentioning a recent trend or challenge specific to their industry.

This helps add a layer of personalization that demonstrates you’re not just sending out a cookie-cutter email.

It shows your genuine interest, and clients will notice that!

Keep your tone warm, professional, and friendly. Make it feel like a conversation, not a formal letter or marketing pitch.

And be specific—talk about them and their needs rather than focusing solely on what you offer.

#2. Set Clear Expectations (And Show Respect for Their Time)

Set Clear Expectations

Respecting your client’s time is another highly effective way to show you value them.

Start by setting clear expectations before the meeting with your lead. Send an agenda or a brief outline of what the meeting will cover.

By doing so, you’re showing respect for their time and demonstrating you value efficiency. This step is essential in the sales lead qualification process—where every minute counts.

Confirm all the necessary details with your client ahead of time—date, time, platform (in-person, Zoom, etc.).

Avoid last-minute changes (unless absolutely necessary), as this can create frustration in your client.

Offer your client flexibility in scheduling, such as accommodating different time zones or providing multiple time slots, to further communicate respect.

Don’t make them feel like they're being squeezed into a busy calendar.                            

#3. Share Valuable Resources Before the Meeting

Share Valuable Resources

Offering value to your clients upfront is a proven trick to getting your clients excited about the upcoming meeting.

But what exactly should you share? Consider relevant resources, like case studies, articles, or industry insights, before the meeting.

This shows that you’re invested in providing value to them from the start. It not only demonstrates your knowledge but also piques your leads' interest.

For instance, let’s say you’re meeting with a retail client:

Sharing a case study on how another retail company improved their operations using your solution provides context and builds anticipation for the conversation.

However, the key here is to tailor those materials to the client’s specific needs.

A generic brochure is unlikely to make an impact. Instead, focus on sending something meaningful that aligns with their business goals.

#4. Make Booking Easy and Professional

Make Booking Easy and Professional

FACT: No one likes the back-and-forth email game when trying to set up a meeting.

Thus, setting up a seamless booking process can make a world of difference in how a client feels before they even meet with you.

Use a scheduling tool that makes it easy for your client to choose a time without the hassle.

The easier you make it for them, the more valued they will feel.

Using the SureMeet tool can help you add an extra layer of commitment to your prospects.

How? It allows you to charge a small 100%-refundable deposit before scheduling the meeting.

This not only helps streamline scheduling but also reduces the chance of no-shows among your clients.

When clients make a deposit, it signals that they are serious about the meeting, which can set a professional tone before the conversation even starts.

And with SureMeet’s easy integration with tools like Calendly and Stripe, it’s hassle-free for both you and your client.

#5. Acknowledge Their Goals and Challenges in Pre-Meeting Conversations

Acknowledge Their Goals and Challenges in Pre-Meeting Conversations

Your clients also want to know that you understand their pain points. When you make it clear that you’re tuned in to their goals and challenges, you build trust right off the bat.

Before that meeting, try to engage with them through pre-meeting questionnaires or email conversations that allow them to outline their objectives.

This makes your leads feel heard and valued, even before you speak a word in your first meeting.

When you follow up, be sure to acknowledge their concerns in your responses.

For example, you can say something like:

"I understand that increasing efficiency is one of your main goals, and I’m looking forward to discussing how we can help streamline your processes."

This makes your client feel like you’ve already invested time and thought into their specific situation.

#6. Follow Up with a Reminder

Follow Up with a Reminder

Reminders and follow-ups are must-have elements for keeping your clients feel valued.

They not only help keep the meeting top of mind in your clients—they’re also an opportunity to continue building rapport.

A thoughtful message in your reminder can turn a simple email into a gesture of value.

Send a friendly reminder 24-48 hours before the meeting, reiterating how much you’re looking forward to the discussion.

But don’t stop there—throw in a motivational message or an insight related to your prospect’s industry to show that you’re still thinking about their needs.

For instance, you could include a relevant industry statistic or a quick piece of advice.

Something like, “Did you know that 60% of businesses that optimize their supply chain see a 15% increase in profits? I can’t wait to discuss how we can bring those kinds of results to your business.”

This may appear like another fine tweak, but it keeps the conversation centered on them.

#7. Build Anticipation for the Meeting

Build Anticipation for the Meeting

Finally, one of the best ways to make a client feel valued before a meeting is to build anticipation.

Your clients should be eager to attend, not just because it’s on their calendar but because they feel that something valuable is waiting for them.

You can do this by teasing what’s to come. Without giving away all the details, mention a few high-level solutions or insights that will be covered in the meeting.

For example, “In our meeting, I’ll walk you through how we helped another business in your industry cut costs by 20% using a simple strategy.”

Such a message gets your clients excited and ensures they come prepared to engage.


Making clients feel valued before a meeting is a smart business strategy that pays off in the long run. Personalizing communication, respecting their time, offering value upfront, and using the right tools all work together to create a lasting impression. Remember, the way you treat clients before the meeting sets the stage for how they’ll view your business moving forward.

Even with these strategies in place, sometimes your clients may still not show up for that meeting. Thankfully, SureMeet’s refundable pre-call deposit solves this problem for good. It filters out uncommitted leads, ensuring only serious clients show up in your meetings. Try SureMeet for free today and see how it transforms your meetings!

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